Friday, March 26, 2010

Fed Notes W/E March 27 2010

Raheen ICA members at Centenary Ecumenical Service

Kilbehenny ICA

Federation President Marie Hayes attended the AGM of Kilbehenny ICA. The officers elected for the coming year are as follows: President Nellie Bailey, Hon Secretary Mary O'Brien and Hon Treasurer Josie Fox.

Plans are in train for a guild outing to Donegal and places are presently being booked up. Both members and non-members will travel and look forward to comparing Errigal with their own Galtymore.

Job Vacancies

All guilds have received nomination forms for the filling of vacancies, which will arise at federation shortly. Your co-operation in the filling of these posts will ensure that Limerick Federation can continue in an efficient manner for the year ahead. Among the posts being vacated are president, international officer, craft officer, contest secretary and Timire Gaeilge.Volunteers are also sought to undergo information officer training with a view to being available to engage with specific number of guilds from time to time. Interested? Do contact Hon Sec Joan Hayes (087) 76332394 /761349 for further information.

ICA Centenary Stamp

First Day covers of new stamps are very sought after. On Thursday March 25 the ICA centenary stamp (€0.55) is going on sale .An opportunity exists at

major post offices including Limerick’s GPO to purchase a supply and of course to post your mail on this special day. The recipients will be delighted to receive a first day cover to be treasured by future historians. Do request to have your envelopes stamped on March 25.

What a nice way to send your Easter cards using the stamp and actually posting them on March 25

‘ Dawn Chorus ‘

Choirs are invited to sing at sunrise on the waterfront on Sunday May 30th 2010 as part of The Dawn Chorus in conjunction with Bealtaine festival 2010.

Each group will identify a suitable waterfront location for the performance, develop a rehearsal schedule and work towards performance This event is being co-ordinated by Age and Opportunity.

Further information from Edel Ryan - 087 2894674.


Realt Magazine

Material is currently being collected for the next issue if Realt. As this issue will be available at the national AGM in Adare it would be very appropriate that Limerick Federation should feature as prominently as possible. Please let me have any items, which you would like included as part of the Federation submission not later than week ending April 17.Is fiú u an bheagán.

Counselling Service

The counselling service has resumed with new counsellor Maeve O’Herlihy. The service available includes provision of a help line Monday to Friday 10am to 6pm (1850652652), 1:1 counselling, workshops and meetings. Maeve will also be in attendance at the National AGM in Woodlands Hotel, Adare on Wednesday

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