Fed Vice President Ann Gabbett who attended Oireachtas Committee on Social amd Family Affairs Mar 2010
It was with sadness that her former ICA colleagues heard of the death of Nellie Ryan (nee O’Sullivan), Bawnreagh, Askeaton on March 30 2010. A native of Kildimo, Nellie, who was an accomplished set dancer with a great interest in Irish music, was a member of Askeaton ICA until ill health intervened. She participated in many competitions and entertainment activities and her baking prowess was legendry. Condolences are extended to her husband Michael D,
sons and daughters, brothers, sisters, a large extended family and many friends and neighbours. RIP. Following her funeral liturgy on Holy Thursday in
St Mary’s Church Nellie’s remains were interred in Mount Pleasant Cemetery,
Go raibh leaba aici i measc na naomh I bhFlaitheas Dé agus go dtuga Dia sólás
dá mhuintir atá fágtha dúbhach brónach ina éagmais.
Oireachtas Committee on Social and Family Affairs
Federation Vice President Ann Gabbett kept a watching brief at the Oireachtas Committee on Social and Family Affairs meeting last week which called on Dept of Social Protection to rescind its decision to stop pension payments to farming women. The said department backtracked on an agreement which gave an entitlement to these women to a contributory pension for years of work on the family farm .The Irish Countrywomen’s Association fully supports their cause
and joins with the IFA in calling on Minister Eamon O’Cuiv to make a fair decision on the matter as he settles into his new department. Tosach maith leath na h-oibre a Mhinistéir.
Travel Plans
As the new Limerick / Galway train service has commenced this week perhaps many of you may wish to consider your guild outing to the City of the Tribes.
The timetable offers several choices and you will arrive in Eyre Square, in the heart of the city, relaxed and ready to avail of the many experiences that is on offer while listening to An Ghaeilge in usáid mar gnáth theanga na ndaoine.
Places are quickly filling up for the following Federation trips:
Austria August 28
B. Scotland Sept 6
If interested please contact International Officer Ann McLoughlin
(061) 345041 /(086) 8639325 as soon as possible.
Limerick week at An Grianán July 5 to July 9 almost booked out.
However if you contact An Grianán Teachta Helen Lane (061) 386382/ (087) 2028569 she just might find you somewhere to lay your head !
Counselling Service
The ICA counselling service, in conjunction with the support of the Dept of Health and Children, offers the following workshop at An Grianán:
’Touched by Suicide and Tragic Loss’ Mon April 12 to Thurs April 15.
If relevant to you to explore ways of coping, managing and moving on
Please contact Fed Hon Sec (087) 6332394 /7761349 for further details.
Knockarron/Knocklong I.C.A
Their A.G.M. will be held on Monday April 12 at 8pm in the community hall Knocklong. This is a very important meeting and all members are encouraged to attend.
Job Vacancies
All guilds have received nomination forms for the filling of vacancies, which will arise at Federation shortly. Your co-operation in the filling of these posts will ensure that Limerick Federation can continue in an efficient manner for the year ahead. Among the posts being vacated are President, International Officer, Craft Officer, Contest Secretary and Timire Gaeilge.Volunteers are also sought to undergo information officer training with a view to being available to engage with specific number of guilds from time to time. Interested? Do contact Hon Sec Joan Hayes (087) 76332394 /761349 for further information.
Realt Magazine
Material is awaited for the next issue if Realt. As this issue will be available at the national AGM in Adare it would be very appropriate that Limerick Federation should feature as prominently as possible. Please forward any items, which you would like included to Federation PRO not later than week ending April 17.Is fiú an bheagán.
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