Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Fed Notes W/E July 31 2010

Best Dressed Lady Patsy Beades,Roscommon,Marie O'Toole National PRO and ICA National President Anne Maria Dennison,Mainistir na Féile,Contae Luimnigh.

Cappamore Show

As the Cappamore Show approaches its 56th birthday their Press Reception last week reflected the experience

and talent one associates with this well-known East Limerick event. No last minute hitches here as planning commences the week after their previous event ….a thorough ‘de brief’ with no holes barred. This was very evident as popular Show Secretary Paddy Ryan (Luke) addressed the gathering and everybody was fully aware of his or her respective roles for 2010.

The success of this agricultural show has never in doubt. They have increased their sponsorship, maintained a healthy financial situation, and the full co-operation of young and the not so young in their community.

Ni neart go cur le céile.

The local ICA ladies have always been closely associated with the show and this was very much in evident

in Hayes’ Sliabh Felim ‘Function Rooms last week when show chairperson and former ICA president Marie

Hayes announced a special category to mark the ICA centenary year of 2010.A special presentation will be made to the best-dressed ICA member at the show. The lucky stylish winner will be presented with beautiful prize of a piece of Louise Kennedy crystal, on an inscribed plinth marking 100 years of ICA.It is anticipated that this prize will be keenly contested from ICA members both inside and outside the barony. Distance is no barrier to these intrepid followers of fashion.

A full list of regulations, including entry forms, are available from Hon Sec Paddy Ryan (Luke), Cappanuke, Cappamore, Contact details: 061 381444/381313, 086 8382350/email; secretary@ cappamore show .com

The date to remember is Wednesday August 18 and the place to be is Portnard, Cappamore by kind permission of the Gleeson Family.

Centenary Art Exhibition ‘Comóradh Céad Bliain’

All members and friends are invited to the official opening of the ICA Federation art exhibition

‘Comóradh Céad Bliain’ to be held on Wednesday August 4 at Limerick County Library, Dooradoyle.

National ICA President Dr Anne Maria Dennison will officially open the exhibition at 3.30pm.

Bí linn agus fáilte

Trip to Scotland

Please arrange to forward all monies due for above trip ASAP to Fed President Anne Gabbett, Ballykeeffe

Mungret.Due to unforeseen circumstances Ann Mc Loughlin is presently unavailable to deal with this booking.

Two Moons on August 27 2010

Fortunately, this is a Friday night....

Interesting - if we can stay awake!

Aug 27 the Whole World is waiting for.............

Planet Mars will be the brightest in the night sky starting August. It will look as large as the full moon to the naked eye. This will culminate on Aug. 27 when Mars comes within 34.65M miles off earth. Be sure to watch the sky on Aug. 27 12:30 am. It will look like the earth has 2 moons.

The next time Mars may come this close is in 2287.

Share this with your friends, as NO ONE ALIVE TODAY will ever see it again.

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