Mary Carr of Doon ICA who has been an ICA member since 1939 with guild Hon Sec Rebecca Palmer at recent Federation event in Woodlands Hotel,Adare
ICA ladies from various parts of the country including members from her own native county of Limerick mourn the passing last week of Sr Teresa Margaret McCarthy. A native of Mainistir Na Féile, Sr Teresa Margaret had been a teacher with her order in Mountmellick for many years but it was her interest in craft work and particularly in Mountmellick embroidery that forged a link and friendship with so many like minded women throughout the land.
In the 1970’s a local Quaker family, Pims, presented a trunk, which was to contain old Mountmellick embroidery patterns to the local convent. Coincidently the Presentation sisters were in occupancy of the building where the former Society of Friends ‘The Quakers’ Mountmellickl School was located up to 1921. Some of the community began to investigate the lost art and one of the sisters Sr Teresa Margaret pursued this with great enthusiasm and vigour. The original designs were inspired by the local flora and fauna and symbolise the rich Quaker heritage in Mountmellick. Her embroidery classes continued to flourish both locally and further afield. Indeed many ICA members were first introduced to this white on white work at An Grianán.
Following Requiem Mass in St Joseph’s Church, Mountmellick Sr Teresa Margaret’s funeral took place on Wednesday September 30th 2009 to the local cemetery in her adopted town of Mountmellick.
Condolences are extended to her extended family, Presentation Community and all whose lives she touched during her long life.
Leaba I measc Naomh Na h-Eireann go raibh aici.
Winter Conference
A coach load of enthusiastic supporters will travel to Gorey, Co Wexford on this Saturday October 10th to the National Winter Conference. Any members wishing to travel should book with Mary Blackwell at (087) 9048455 and be at the Crescent Shopping Centre, Dooradoyle at 6am for departure. All good wishes go to Anne Maria Dennison, Mainistir na Féile who will chair this event in her capacity as National ICA President.
News from the Guilds
Doon ICA are hosting a visit from the Marie Keating Foundation on Thursday next October 15th at 8.30pm.with mobile information unit available for private consultations with a nurse from 7pm. Venue is Doon Community Centre Car Park. An open invitation to everybody
Drombanna guild are arranging a sale of work for Sunday October 18th at Ballyneety Courthouse commencing at 12.00,proceeds towards guild projects including sponsorship for attendance of their members at An Grianán
Members appreciate very much the wonderful support received to recent fundraiser achieving in excess of €800 towards Milford Hospice.
Guild members extend their condolences to former member Kathleen Lane
on the death ,in New Zealand ,of her grandmother Mrs Eileen Trott RIP and attended a Mass in Raheen Church recently for the repose of her soul.
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