Joan Hayes,Crecorar who is Fed ICA reps on Community & Voluntary Forum,Limerick CoCo
Standing Ovation
Anne Maria Dennison of Mainistir na Féile received a standing ovation following her address to the Winter Conference of ICA in Gorey on Saturday last. This was her first occasion as National President of the Irish Country Women’s Association addressing such a representative group from all parts of the country and augers very well for her Presidency which will encompass the organisations centenary celebrations in 2010.
The Spring Conference takes place in the Brandon Hotel, Tralee on Saturday March 6th 2010 and the National AGM in Woodlands Hotel,Adare in May 2010.
Monster Raffle
All guilds have now received a supply of tickets for the forthcoming raffle
and the draw will take place on Wednesday November 25th in Woodlands Hotel, Adare in conjunction with the Winter Federation Meeting .
News from the Guilds
Doon ICA are hosting a visit from the Marie Keating Foundation on this Thursday October 15th at 8.30pm.with mobile information unit available for private consultations with a nurse from 7pm. Venue is Doon Community Centre Car Park.
Limerick City members are holding a coffee morning, proceeds in aid of St Gabriels School and Centre, on this Friday October 16th in the Augustinian Church ,O’Connell St,Limerick at 1030am.
Drombanna guild are arranging a sale of work for Sunday next October 18th at Ballyneety Courthouse commencing at 12.00,proceeds towards guild projects including sponsorship for attendance of their members at An Grianán
Grant Applications
The Small Grants Scheme administered by the Community Foundation of Ireland aims to assist projects working to respond to isolation and to develop a more diverse society. Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis and the final date for 2009 submissions is November 6th 2009for year.
Click on the following link www.communityfoundation.ie/grants for full details
Community and Voluntary Forum
Of the forty five members of the Community & Voluntary Forum, thirty are elected according to their electoral area which serves to achieve a geographical balance around the county. A further 15 members are nominated to act as representatives on the Forum from various countywide bodies or sectoral interests .This ensures an interest balance is achieved in those who act as representatives on the Forum.
Joan Hayes has recently been elected to represent ICA on the Limerick County Council’s Community and Voluntary Forum.
When Joan left her native Kerry over 30 years ago and settled with her husband Michael in Crecora she joined the local ICA .Over the years she held many positions within her guild,and in the LimerickFederation,
including contest sec,hon sec, and Federation President.She also served at National level as a member of NEC and as Cathaoirleach of the Board of An Grianán.All good wishes are extended to her in her new role.
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